Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enyowen(Legolas POV)

After I met Enyowen,I knew my life would change.She was Elrond's 2nd daughter.The other one was Arwen.Enyowen was beautiful.Big gray-blue eyes,long black hair,and a loveing personality.I met her when I went to visit Aragorn and Arwen at their castle.Enyowen was visiting her sister.They were in the garden."Hello,Legolas",Arwen said,"this is my little sister,Enyowen".I looked at Enyowen and she smiled."Hello,Enyowen",I said,smiling softly."Hello,Legolas",she said,queitly.Then,I turned to Aragorn."Aragorn,Elrond and Gandalf need to speak to you.It is about going to visit Frodo",I said."Well,I shall go with you when you leave to go back to Rivendell",Aragorn said turning to Arwen,"Arwen,would you like to go with us?".She nodded and smiled.

Later that evening,me and Enyowen were alone.Aragorn and Arwen were talking about a trip to see Frodo."Enyowen",I said.She looked at me."Would you like to got to the undying lands with us?",I asked.She smiled,"Of course.Aragorn and Arwen had told me about Frodo and I would love to meet him".I nodded and turned to look at the stars.I sighed and layed back in the grass of the garden.Enyowen seems very nice and charming.I would say that I might have veeling for this elf.I might have to talk to Aragorn and Arwen about this later.

About a week later,me and Enyowen were together.It was her doing,not mine.She was very nice and lovely.Today we were leaving to go back to Rivendell.I held Enyo's hand as we walked into the stabbled.We were getting our horses ready for the long ride to Rivendell.She let go of my hand and went to her big black horse.I turned and went to my white stallion.Before we left,I helped her into the saddle and kissed her hand.She smiled and turned to my own horse.As we rode,we sung songs.My favourite song was one that Enyo and Arwen sung:Where the wind and rain meets together and form and agreement.That's where we are heading.Where whe had grone and stayed for most of our days.That where we are heading.Back to Rivendell,back to Rivendell.That's where we are heading.We rode and rode,until we came to Rivendell.That's when I thought,Elrond will be surprised to see me holding his youngest daughter's hand.I smiled to myself and laughed.

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